



2023.7至今           南京晓庄学院 食品科学学院          教授                       

2018.1至2023.7       南京晓庄学院 食品科学学院          讲师                       

2016.42017.12      南京大学     生命科学学院          助理研究员



1) 动物多样性的维持与保护:利用红外触发相机和传统方法长期调查野生动物资源状况,探讨人类活动对动物多样性多样性、分布格局和维持机制的影响及生物多样性保护策略的研究;
2) 种间关系与群落构建:基于鸟类等动物类群,从种子传播和取食等角度研究生态网络的结构和形成机制。










江苏省青蓝工程骨干教师                 2023年

南京晓庄学院青年拔尖人才             2021年

国际动物学优秀青年工作者             2017年

优秀青年动物生态学工作者             2016年

主要学术兼职Integrative ZoologyAvian Research青年编委Journal of Ecology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Biodiversity and Conservation等SCI刊物审稿人;国际动物学会 (ISZS) 动植物关系专家组成员,国际动物学会 (ISZS) 青年科学家专家组成员和中国动物学会鸟类学分会会员。

围绕江苏省滨海湿地生态系统和森林生态系统开展濒危动物保护和动植物关系的研究工作,在Ecology Letters, Forest Ecology and Management, Integrative Zoology, Ecological Processes等期刊发表20余篇SCI论文。

1) Wang Z, Chen QE, Gu ZY , Tang N, Li N* . 2023. Effects of landscape features on the structure and function of bird seed dispersal networks in fragmented forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 545: 121251.(通讯作者)

2) Yin S, Li N, Xu W, et al. 2023. Functional traits explain waterbirds' host status, subtype richness, and community-level infection risk for avian influenza. Ecology Letters, 26: 17801791. (并列一作)

3Shen J, Gu X, Liu R, Feng HY, Li DP, Liu Y, Jiang XF, Qin G, An SQ, Li N* , Leng X*. 2023. Damming has changed the migration process of microplastics and increased the pollution risk in the reservoirs in the Shaying River Basin. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 443: 130067.(通讯作者)

4Li N, Yang XF, Ren YH, Wang Z. 2022.Importance of species traits on individual-based seed dispersal networks and dispersal distance for endangered trees in a fragmented forest. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1010352.

5Li N, Tang N, Wang Z, Zhang L. 2022. Response of different waterbird guilds to landscape changes along the Yellow Sea coast: a case study. Ecological indicators, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109298

6Li N, Tang N, Ren YH, Wang Z. 2022. Effects of forest ropeway construction on bird diversity and its seed dispersal mutualism for endangered Taxus chinensis, southeast China. Global Ecology and Conservation, e02227.

7Wang Z, Gao S, Huang XL, Zhang S, Li N* 2022. Functional importance of bird-dispersed habitat for the early recruitment of Taxus chinensis in a fragmented forest. Acta Oecologica, 103819.

8Li N, Huang XL, Yan Q, Zhang WW, Wang Z. 2021. Save Chinas Blue-crowned Laughingthrush. Science 373(6551): 171.

9Li N, Wang Z, Cai Y, Zhang L. 2020. Importance of microhabitat selection by birds for the early recruitment of endangered trees in a fragmented forest. Avian Research 11, 46.

10Li N, Zhang S, Ren YH, Wang Z. 2020. Importance of plant and bird traits on the seed removal pattern of endangered trees across different forest patches in southeast China. Ecological Processes 9, 43. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00253-6.

11Wang Z, Li N*, Gao S, An SQ. 2020. Response of wintering waterbird diversity to reclamation history and post-reclamation habitat along Yellow Sea coast. Integrative Zoology, 15: 595-602. (通讯作者)

12Li N, Wang Z, Li XH, Yi XF, Yan C, Lu CH, Chen SC. 2019. Effects of bird traits on seed dispersal of endangered Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd. with ex-Situ and in-Situ conservation. Forests, 10, 790.

13Li N, Wang Z, Xia L, Xu LQ, Yan F, Qiao YJ, Li XH, An SQ, Fang SB. 2019. Effects of long-term coastal reclamation on suitable habitat and wintering population size of the endangered Red-crowded Crane, Grus japonensis. Hydrobiologia, 827: 21-29.

14Li N, Wang Z, Zhang S, Yan C, Li XH, Lu CH. 2019. Importance of bird traits for seed dispersal patterns of co-fruiting trees in a patchy forest. Integrative Zoology, 14: 470-478.

15Li N, Wang Z, Li XH, Li ZH. 2018. Bird functional traits affect seed dispersal patterns of China’s endangered trees across different disturbed habitats. Avian Research, Doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40657-018-0105-x.

16Li N, Bai B, Li XH, An SQ, Lu CH. 2017. Dispersal of remnant endangered trees in a fragmented and disturbed forest by frugivorous birds. Journal of Plant Research, 130: 669676.

17Li N, Yang W, Fang SB, Li XH, Liu ZC, Leng X, An SQ. 2017. Dispersal of invasive Phytolacca americana seeds by birds in an urban garden in China. Integrative Zoology, 12: 26–31.

18Li N, Yang W, Xu LQ, Jia XB, An SQ, Fang SB. 2017. Two comparative approaches to identify the conservation priority areas impacted by heavy metals on Yellow Sea coasts. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 21: 177188.

19Li N, Li XH, An SQ, Lu CH. 2016. Impact of multiple bird partners on the seed dispersal effectiveness of China's relic trees. Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep17489.

20Li N, An SQ, Fu WY, Lu CH. 2015. Ecological rescue of remnant fengshui trees in farmlands by avian frugivores. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 8: 401405.

21Li N, Bai B, Wang Z, Luo F, Lu XZ, Lu CH. 2015. Avian seed dispersal and seedling distribution of the endangered tree species, Taxus chinensis, in patchy habitats. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 8: 407414. 

22Li N, Fang SB, Li XH, An SQ, Lu CH. 2015. Differential contribution of frugivorous birds to dispersal patterns of the endangered Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis). Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep10045.

23Li N, An SQ, Liu Z, Lu CH. 2014. Fruit consumption and seed dispersal by birds in native vs. ex-situ individuals of the endangered Chinese yew, Taxus chinensis. Ecological Research, 29: 917–923.